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First Edition of BioInvestIT: Isuschem among the 10 most promising Italian startups in the Circular Bioeconomy.

Green chemistry that wants to revolutionize industrial processes.

Isuschem has been selected among the 10 most promising Italian startups in the Circular Bioeconomy.
On May 14 in Milan , we presented our innovative project to local and European investors , aiming to get enough funds to launch our business.

We are proud to have joined the program of BioInvestIT, the first investment forum dedicated to the Circular Bioeconomy, conceived by SPRING Cluster and organized in collaboration with ECBF (European Circular Bioeconomy Fund), Bio4Dreams, SACE, Scientifica VC and Terra Next.

It is a pathway for startups and business projects to meet financial and corporate investors from around the world.

We want to revolutionize industrial processes and make them more environmentally, ethically and socially sustainable.
Our core business is the production of sustainable bio-ingredients for industry.
We process sustainable vegetable oils into high value-added products, including:

  • Solvents and thinners, used in the production of offset printing inks, offset inks for food packaging, green plasticizer for paints and water-based paints, coalescent for glues and adhesives, and paint thinner for ceramics and wood.
  • Bio-lubricants with very low environmental impact that entirely replace current non-renewable fossil-based products.
  • Cosmetic additives, used in the manufacture of facial creams, hair products and sunscreens.

Our goal is to decarbonize the economy and maximize the efficiency and sustainability of renewable solutions.
We hope to get enough funding to best guide our start-up!

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