
Circular bioeconomy: a virtuous combination for a sustainable future

A great challenge.

In a world grappling with the pressing challenges of climate change and resource depletion, the Circular Bioeconomy can be called an innovative and promising model for sustainable development.

It is a new economic model that integrates the principles of the circular economy with those of the Bioeconomy, and aims to make efficient and sustainable use of biological resources.
In this model, the focus is on “regeneration,” as opposed to the current linear model of “extraction, production, disposal.”

In the Circular Bioeconomy, organic products are reused, recycled or composted at the end of their life cycle. This is to minimize waste generation and maximize the value of resources.

What are the benefits of the Circular Bioeconomy?

Reducing environmental impact: the Circular Bioeconomy contributes to decreasing pollution, pressure on natural resources, and greenhouse gas emissions, helping to protect the environment and combat climate change.

Development of new production chains: the valorization of biological resources opens the way for new business opportunities and job creation in innovative sectors such as green building, biochemistry and bioplastics.

Increased economic resilience: a system based on the circular bioeconomy is more resilient to external shocks, as it is less dependent on fossil resources and volatile markets.

Creating a more equitable society: the circular bioeconomy helps to reduce social inequalities and promote more equitable access to resources for all.

Italy, with its rich agribusiness and forestry heritage, has great potential for the development of the circular bioeconomy, and we at Isuschem know this well.

Our innovative startup moves totally within the framework of the Circular Bioeconomy.
We process sustainable vegetable oils, third generation biomass, into innovative Bio-ingredients such as:

  • Solvents and thinners, used in the production of offset printing inks, offset inks for food packaging, green plasticizer for paints and water-based paints, coalescent for glues and adhesives, and paint thinner for ceramics and wood.
  • Ultra-low environmental impact bio-lubricants that entirely replace current non-renewable fossil-based products.
  • Cosmetic additives, used in the manufacture of face creams, hair products and sunscreens.

Our goal is to create a more sustainable and inclusive future for all.
Do you want to revolutionize your company’s business processes?
Want to experiment with new, greener formulations for your products?
Let’s talk about it!

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